KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Passing ip address onto another application |
Earl |
Passing ip address onto another application |
Nov 08 2006 13:40 |
Sorry if this has been answered before. Is it possible to do the following:
When someone logs onto the telnet server, can the server get their IP address, and then pass that on to another application or save it in a temporary file?
Also, thank you for making an awesome product, well worth the $20 registration fee.
Kroum Grigorov |
Nov 08 2006 20:16 |
Yes, you can get the connection IP address from the %KTS_IP% environment variable, it is loaded when the session starts.
You can read more on this in this [url=l0c41://]topic[/url].
To force KTS to execute your command automatically upon login you can edit the allusers.bat file. More on the topic [url=l0c41://]here[/url].
And finally you might find usefull KTS log file, it is in KTS\log\kts-log.txt and you can find there every connection attempt made to your server.
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