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Failed to launch an application remotely using Ant
Ant Failed to launch an application remotely using Ant
Hi, I am trying to using the telent task of Ant to launch an application remotely. The app would run on windows XP with KPYM Telnet Server. I get a trouble when I run my Ant script----the app isn't launched and there is not any error information. However,I can make a new folder in the remote PC.Please give me some suggestion.
<project name="mytest" default="telnetTest">
<target name="telnetTest">
<telnet server="devrelease" timeout="30">
<read string="waiting..."/>
<write string=" "/>
<write string="rlsuser" />
<read string="password:" />
<write string="Release" />
<read string="C:\Program Files\KTS>" />
<write string="cd c:\WINDOWS\system32"/>
<read string="C:\WINDOWS\system32>"/>
<write string="taskmgr.exe"/>
<read string="C:\WINDOWS\system32>"/>
<write string="telnet" />

the taskmgr is never launched,but there is no any error information
<project name="mytest" default="telnetTest">
<target name="telnetTest">
<telnet server="devrelease" timeout="30">
<read string="waiting..."/>
<write string=" "/>
<write string="rlsuser" />
<read string="password:" />
<write string="Release" />
<read string="C:\Program Files\KTS>" />
<write string="cd c:\WINDOWS\system32"/>
<read string="C:\WINDOWS\system32>"/>
<write string="md good"/>
<read string="C:\WINDOWS\system32>"/>
<write string="telnet" />

the "good" folder coule be make correctly

Kroum Grigorov

When you launch a GUI application from KTS session, the app is running just fine, but it is not visible because it is not running on the default desktop.
You can check this by viewing running processes in task manager the process of your application should be there.
Unfortunately there is no "workaround" for this behaviour.

Another thing to consider is that when the connection is closed every running application in the session shutsdowns. You can workaround this by running your app using "runas.exe", this will start the app off hte session.



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