KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
KpyM Telnet/SSH Server v1.14 Released!
Kroum Grigorov KpyM Telnet/SSH Server v1.14 Released!
[b:bc8640a352]KpyM Telnet/SSH Server v1.14 Released[/b:bc8640a352]

[b:bc8640a352]-[/b:bc8640a352] fixed OpenSSh client connection problem, you can connect now using open ssh client. ( Packet integrity error (14 bytes remaining) at kexgexc.c:85 )

[b:bc8640a352]-[/b:bc8640a352] fixed allowed_login_list/forbiden_login_list bug for users not in lowercase; 10x for this one to Net147

[b:bc8640a352]-[/b:bc8640a352] new kts.ini parameters added:

[KKey]:send_key_delay - the delay between keys sent to the command promt ( you are supposed not to have problems with this one )

[KKey]:send_same_key_delay - the delay between SAME keys sent to the command promt;
>i am using the telnet server to scan barcodes to an application
>problem:if two following numbers are the same, only the
>first is shown.example scanning 12334 ==> 1234 is shown.
if you have similar problem as the one above try increasing this parameter.
this will force KTS to wait for the given time when sending same keys thus giving the application time to process correctly the keys.

Click [url=l0c41://]here[/url] to get KTS v1.14.



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