KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
connection refused
Joel B. connection refused
I've just installed KpyM on Windows/XP Pro with SP2. I've made KpyM run as a service. I've completely turned off the Windows firewall. When I telnet to localhost I get the following failure:

I:\>telnet localhost
Connecting To localhost...Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect failed


When I attempt a connect to localhost using TeraTerm Pro using ssh I get 'connection refused.'

I can't think of anything else to try to make KpyM work as a server. Anyone have any ideas?

Kroum Grigorov
By default KpyM will run as SSH server.
To connect you should use SSH2 client(port 22), I can recommend you using the free [url=l0c41://]PuTTY[/url] client.

If you still can't connect check if "KpyM Server" service is running.
Also check if there are any errors in "KTS\log" directory, check the log file too, it's in "KTS\log\kts-log.txt".



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