KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Is is possible to use a service as a username/password?
Seth Is is possible to use a service as a username/password?
As a workaround to requiring a user name and password, would it be possible to use a local service as the user name/password?


Kroum Grigorov
When in TELNET mode, you can set KTS to log you in automatically using the default_user and default_pass parameters (note that these are stored as clear text so you better apply some security restriction on kts.ini file), once you connect you will be logged in automatically as the user given in default_user.

Then you can parameter(set this in comspec parameter in kts.ini) a custom console application to start as shell that asks the user for login/password/whatever and then validates the user input against your service, if the user credentials are OK you can spawn "cmd.exe" from your app this will give the user his session.

More on the topic:



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