KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Telnet server login problems |
Nicolai Madsen |
Telnet server login problems |
Oct 16 2009 14:21 |
I've installed the KpyM Telnet/SSH Server on a Vista computer, and Putty on my laptop which is running Win7 at the moment. Is it possible that win7 could be some sort of reason, why I'm not able to login to my Telnet server?
The setup for the server is default. What I've seen elsewhere on this forum, is that I should be able to login with the win-login on the server from the computer I'm trying to connect with, or am I wrong? Because everytime I try, I seem to be/get refused. I have checked the kts-log.txt, and it has nothing to do with 'allowed_login_list', I simply get refused.
Anyone who might have an answer for this?
~Nicolai Madsen
Josh |
Oct 16 2009 14:59 |
Maybe you need to add a rule to your firewall to allow SSH? On a Windows Server you can do that with this command:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SSHd" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=22
I'm not sure if this works under Vista as well.
Best regards,
Kroum Grigorov |
Oct 18 2009 16:27 |
> I seem to be/get refused
Can you check the kts-log.txt, what is the refuse reason there?
Nicolai Madsen |
Oct 22 2009 13:39 |
My firewall is not a problem, but thx for the advice anyway. The problem is only getting into the server itself. When i connect to the server i get the stanard screen with the "kpym - server yadayada", and try to login, but get refused. My log is saying this:
1056 : 1288 2009-10-22 15:30:27 655 : 0: KTS connected to
6132 : 6136 2009-10-22 15:30:29 730 : 0: session.exe started
6132 : 6136 2009-10-22 15:30:29 850 : 0: connected to
6132 : 3960 2009-10-22 15:30:52 634 : 0: login refused: [ Nicolai ] - Logonerror: unknown username or wrong password.
6132 : 1656 2009-10-22 15:31: 2 745 : 0: password timeout
6132 : 1656 2009-10-22 15:31: 3 745 : 0: shutdown
6132 : 4544 2009-10-22 15:31: 3 895 : 0: session.exe end
It's 100% default. Is their something I've to setup myself, before I'm able to connect? Remember that I use Vista for the Server, and Win7 for my client.. Dunno if that does something.. Thanks for your answers :)
~Nicolai Madsen
Kroum Grigorov |
Oct 29 2009 19:07 |
> Is their something I've to setup myself, before I'm able to connect?
No this should work out of the box
> login refused: [ Nicolai ] - Logonerror: unknown username or wrong password.
I can think of following reasons for this error:
1) if you have blank password KTS will not log you on, you need password protected account (non blank password) to log in
2) if you are running in domain, you might have to use your full domain name (ex:
3) if you have some non standart(non english) characters in your password, these might not be transferred correctly
Nicolai Madsen |
Nov 02 2009 22:47 |
Well, I'm not running in domain..
About the password, how to set this up correctly? Do I have to setup the an account as well for username "Nicolai", or something like that?
I would like you to cut the whole thing into pieces, so I'm not doing a stupid mistake..
~Nicolai Madsen
Kroum Grigorov |
Nov 03 2009 06:54 |
> About the password, how to set this up correctly?
There's a brief howto that shows how to set password to your account
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