KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Terminal Settings
Dallas Terminal Settings
I am a user that is relying on a KpyM Telnet / SSH Server implementation for performing various network design and engineering tasks across an enterprise of Cisco routers and switches, and am having significant trouble with terminal settings when jumping through the telnet server. I am unable to capture configuration files properly and cannot telnet from a remote router to the telnet server and then telnet back out to another remote router without cryptic terminal settings problems. I am wondering if there is a way to adjust my own user profile terminal settings to soemthing useable through the batch file associated with my login (.\scripts\allusers.bat). Any help as this is crippling?

KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - fully functional unregistered version.
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KpyM TELNET/SSH Server v1.15c
Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Kroum Grigorov
All rights reserved.

this script is executed for all users
delete/rename it if you dont need it
Active code page: 437
C:\Program Files\KTS>


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