KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Function keys are not working
Mohan Function keys are not working
I'm not able to use function keys like shift+Ctrl or Ctrl+Alt.

I'm running virtual router in my windows 2003 server. My requirement to login to the windows machine using Kpym and login to my virtual router. I'm using shift+ctrl+x to switch between routers. but its not working with Kpym server. Please help.


Kroum Grigorov
Alt+ and Shift+ comboes are not configured in KTS because most of the telnet clients do not support these key combinations.

WHat you can do is to remap Ctrl+Shift+X to say Ctrl+S, thus when you press Ctrl+S in your client KTS will generate Ctrl+Shift+X on the host machine and switch your routers.

You can do this by replacing the folowing lines in "c:\program files\kts\utf-8.ini" file

-- from --

; ctrl + s / if received this one will block us forever
;input18 = "13"
;key18 = "FFFFFFFF 1 8 0 1 11 1 8 13 1 53 0 8 13 1 53 0 0 0 1 11"

-- to --

; shift+ctrl+x
input18 = "13"
key18 = "FFFFFFFF 1 10 0 1 10 1 18 0 1 11 1 18 18 1 58 0 18 18 1 58 0 10 0 1 11 0 0 0 1 10"

Please let me know if this will work for you

There are few threads in the forum that discuss the issue with the key comboes, you might find these interesting:


How can I close a single client connection without the other existing connections to close, thx ?


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