KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Tuning KTS miranda plugin |
AndrewPA |
Tuning KTS miranda plugin |
May 15 2007 19:50 |
Hi, Kroum!
There are a few questions in relation to the [url=l0c41://]plugin[/url].
Possible from the plugin window to see basic miranda menu and configure connection property (proxy, etc).
(I use CmdLineToDb for Ńonfigure this property)
Please, help me to send :return:
I type "dir" and press ctrl+enter. I see:
C:\Program Files\Miranda - KTS\plugins\ktsmps>dir[
I type :return: and press enter and ctrl+enter. I see:
C:\Program Files\Miranda - KTS\plugins\ktsmps>dir:return:
":return:" is not a recognized device.
Directory of C:\Program Files\Miranda - KTS\plugins\ktsmps
File Not Found
I'm tested :back:, it work perfectly.
In file ascii.ini file I see:
; :return:
input71 = "0D"
key71 = "00000102 0000000D 001C0001"
; :back:
input72 = "3A 62 61 63 6B 3A"
key72 = "00000100 00000008 000E0001 00000102 00000008 001C0001 00000101 00000008 C00E0001"
Kroum Grigorov |
May 16 2007 19:34 |
You can bring up Miranda options dialog by the following "hack":
click on ICQ# icon, then in the icq number text box type "options" (without the quotes) and click OK.
Yes, the :return: seems to be broken, to fix it in ascii.ini file replace the lines
[code:1:11421ec7ac]; ctrl + a / alt
;input0 = "01"
;key0 = "00000104 00000012 20380001 00000105 00000012 c0380001"[/code:1:11421ec7ac]
[code:1:11421ec7ac]; :return:
input0 = "3A 72 65 74 75 72 6e 3A"
key0 = "00000102 0000000D 001C0001"[/code:1:11421ec7ac]
I just remembered one more command, you can use :close: to kill your session if it hangs.
AndrewPA |
May 16 2007 20:02 |
Hi, Kroum!
Wow! It work!
Big thanks!
© 2007 - 2008 Kroum Grigorov