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Backspace and Lynx
Brandon Backspace and Lynx
Hello, is there a way to force KTS to use Backspace the propper way? I know some apps don't work this way, but my main use with KTS is with Lynx, and that causes problems... For example, if I backspace, I am left with it skipping some characters, and I can continue to hit Right, then Backspace, but I can never get rid of the last character, because KTS does Left+Delete..

I want it to do Control+H like it should.. Thanks...

Kroum Grigorov
Try editing utf8.ini/ascii.ini file (the name depends on the KTS version you use, you can find the file in KTS directory).
Find the following code in the file:
; backspace
; use this to gain full performance in DOS PROMPT but no support in some DOS EDITORS
;input72 = "08"
;key72 = "00000100 00000008 000E0001 00000102 00000008 001C0001 00000101 00000008 C00E0001"
; use this to have at least any support in DOS PROMPT and DOS EDITORS (defined as LEFT + DELETE)
input72 = "08"
key72 = "00000100 00000025 014B0001 00000101 00000025 C14B0001 00000100 0000002E 00530001 00000101 0000002E C0530001"

and change
key72 = "00000100 00000025 014B0001 00000101 00000025 C14B0001 00000100 0000002E 00530001 00000101 0000002E C0530001"
key72 = "00000102 00000008 001C0001"

This will give you the "standart" ctrl + h behavior for the backspace key


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